Tuesday, May 8, 2012

This is Me Challenge #3- Boy Crazy!!!

Growing up, teenage years:
*What activities did you participate in?  (Sports, dancing, music, arts, etc.)  Explain what you did with each activity.   
I tried out for the soccer team in 6th grade. Didn't make it. I tried out for the basketball and volleyball team in 7th grade. Didn't make it. I tried out for the volleyball team in 8th grade and they had a camp that helped teach the skills. Made it! I tried out for cheer leading the next year and didn't make it, but I made the volleyball team again. I was pretty good at it too.
I also threw the discus and the shot put in track. I was one of the best girls for each, especially for how scrawny I was.
I had a guitar and wanted to learn to play it but my one friend that knew how to play well refused to teach me. I couldn't afford lessons either so I plinked away on it for awhile but then gave it up.
I played the piano for about a half of a year or so. I learned it rather quickly but we had to go to the church to practice since we didn't own a piano. It did give me a basic understanding of music, which has helped me in some ways.
I was in choir and music appreciation in junior high. I cannot sing worth beans, but I know a lot about different musicals and instruments now.
I LOVED being a library aid and working on the yearbook. I took an art class and photography class and learned that if I put forth more effort I could probably be good at both. They were expensive hobbies though so I didn't put forth any effort except what I needed to for school. I know my way around a dark room and how to develop film.
I played basketball for my church and was pretty good, I thought. I could make 3 pointers better than layups.
I played softball as a third baseman and an outfielder. I could throw pretty well but never could hit the ball very far. I could catch too, but I wasn't super fast.
I love to read and I was very interested in mystery books like Lois Duncan and Mary Higgins Clark. I also liked supernatural things like the yeti and psychic powers and aliens and ghosts.
Oh, and I also liked to make mixed tapes and talk on instant messenger. And play the Sims. Yep, the first one.

*How did you learn how to drive?  What kind of car did you have?
I learned to drive in steps. When I was around 7 my dad let me sit on his lap while he was driving the last mile and I could steer the car. I also got practice driving the tractor like that as well. Then as I got older my brother and sister would take me out and let me practice with them. I learned to not use both feet on the peddles fairly early. I learned how to drive in reverse which was scary because if I veered too far one way, I would go into the ditches that were on either side of my driveway.
Before I started Driver's Ed, my friend Jenny's Dad let us practice driving his tractor forward and backward in his corral. I thought that was funny.
My brother in law, Josh, taught me how to drive stick in my Dad's little red car. I forget the make and model. My first car was a really huge, old buick that was basically awesome but didn't run for very long. After that I used my parents Pontiac Grand Prix all the way until I got married and Jake needed a car. It was awesome. It was perfect for a teenager. Green-blue, with Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd stickers. Comfy seats. Not too large and had some uumph on the roads.

*Who were your friends?  
I listed all my friends up through high school on my previous post. 
*Did you have a girl/boy friend?  Talk about him/her (if your spouse is okay with it!).
Boyfriends...hmm. Let's see. It's best to list chronologically by grade:
When I was:
Preschool-Dustin- He was my first kiss when I was 4. He pulled apart a worm to show me they wouldn't die and then he kissed me right on the lips. How romantic. It ended when he tore apart the case for my Wizard of Oz VHS.
Kindergarten-Kameron- He gave me a necklace with a little apple pendant on it, and he would chase me around the playground. He teased me relentlessly though about my clothes saying he could see my underwear even though it was obviously shorts.
1st & 2nd grade-Ian/ Kameron- Both relationships ended when I moved to Oregon Trail.
3rd grade-Doug- He sat next to me in my class and I loved his spiky hair and turtle necks. I thought he looked like Macaulay Culkin. His last name is also the same as a candy bar which I loved too. (Not sharing last names in case anyone is offended by my unabashed admittance of young love).
4th grade- Joel/ Steve- Steve was the "bad boy" from the wrong side of the tracks who looked just like a young Brad Renfro. He moved away. Joel was tall, dark, and handsome and he also wore turtle necks. He had big lips and a sweet shyness about him. Plus it was either him or the kid who obsessed about airplanes and always wore sweat pants. Laura called him up one night after we looked his number up in the phone book and asked him out for me. He said yes, but the next day acted like it never happened. Boys! Turns out I got closure in 6th grade during a round of truth or dare and he said he did like me, but was just too shy.
5th/6th grade- BJ Emmons. Cute younger brother of Ally Emmons who just moved into the area. She became part of our group and we played soccer like crazy. BJ was really good at it, and he dressed nice and smelled good and had great hair. He even gave me a jade necklace. I still have it somewhere I think. He asked me out in a note. Haha! We held hands a lot and I thought he was dreamy. In the end he was too immature for me though since he was a year younger.
6th grade- Cole-Another bad boy who was always at Skateland. I am not sure when he appeared in my world, but I was oblivious to his existence until halfway through 6th grade. Then I saw him. In a white tee shirt and torn jeans. He could skate backwards and looked a lot like Ben Affleck (so I thought). We skated every friday at Skateland and he taught me to play pool. We skated to "Still the One" by Shanie Twain. Then when school got out he never called me anymore and his sister broke up with me for him over the phone. She hated me.
7th grade- Brighton/Spencer/ Josh- New school. I had no idea who anyone was, but Brighton was so nice to me. He was short but cute. He wore the same green/beige jacket every day and hardly ever took it off. He always called on me to read next in Social Studies which automatically means he loved me. At the Christmas dance he told me he was moving to Oregon and then danced with another girl. Good riddance. Spencer was a good shot putter and sat in front of me in science. I liked his friend Josh but couldn't bear to ask him out so I asked Spencer instead hoping to get closer to Josh. In the end, it didn't work out with either. I switched schools again the next year.
8th grade- Way too nerdy for boys to like me.
9th grade- David/ Kyle- This one was dramatic. I liked David. David liked Jenny. Jenny liked David too. They went out, but he would call me and talk to me for hours and eventually liked me too. Meanwhile I went out with his best friend for a bit, mostly to have someone to dance with at stake dances. Then David and Jenny broke up and we went out for a bit. He was my first (real) kiss. He moved to Boise, but not before he and Jenny got back together.
10th grade- Lars- We were on again/off again for the whole year. Turns out he was cheating on me with a few different girls. Our song was "All or Nothing" haha which is hilarious to me. He was a nice kid who was hilarious and very tall. He could charm a crowd too and was the President of the whole school. He could sing as well and was very romantic. He took me fishing for the first time. He was my first real heartbreak.
11th grade- I liked one boy all of 11th grade but he never liked me back. We were best friends and then we fought and didn't speak the rest of our high school experience.
12th grade- Greg/Dallen/ Matt- Greg had graduated the year before I did. I got home from girls camp the summer of 12th grade to see that I missed a call from him. I only knew him from the track team and seminary, but we rarely spoke. I did flirt with him once because I flirted with every guy. He asked me on a date and we went steady the whole summer and up until November when he was at college and broke up with me over instant messenger. He had also cheated on me once before with his ex-girlfriend which was devastating. He did introduce me to Homestar Runner and Tool so all is forgiven. He made me feel smart. Dallen lived in Blackfoot and I knew him through a mutual friend. We mostly IM'd each other and then he went on a mission. Out of sight, out of mind...at least for me. Poor missionary. Matt was a year younger than me and I needed a date for the Sweetheart dance. So I asked him out after meeting him in seminary. We were inseparable until I went to college and realized I could live without him. He had even "proposed" to me on a ferris wheel. It was a promise ring, since he was going to go on a mission, but it was still romantic.

*What did you like/dislike about school?
I hated waking up in the morning. I hated the feeling of remembering I had homework I had forgotten to do. I hated gossip and hurtful rumors. The rest of it, I loved. I had a wonderful high school experience. I look back in fondness to those times. I would change some things if I did it over again, but that's because of my mature wisdomness I now have. 
*What was your first paid job? 
I worked on my grandpa's farm, but I don't count that because they didn't pay me fairly. My first EOE job was at Papa Murphy's. I still love Papa Murphy's and can make a mean pizza if I could just get the dough right. There were some cute boys who worked there that were older than me and made it really fun to work with. Did I mention I was boy crazy?
*What were your chores at home?

1 comment:

Kristin said...

I LOVE this! Brings back so many memories. I remember playing james and the giant peach with you. and the spy games and such! You were always so fun to play with! Such a great imagination! I just miss you!!