Monday, June 4, 2012

Challenge #1

Challenge #1--If you were forced to go back in time to the olden days, but were allowed to take 10 modern conveniences with you, what would you take?

Okay, so when I think of "olden days" I think of the 1800's. Like Joseph Smith time and pioneers and such. I have always marveled at their tenacity and work ethic. I have also never wished to travel to that time because I love the day and age I live in now with all it's modern conveniences and such.
My cheat list would be to bring electricity and indoor plumbing back with me. Which would open up the door for bringing all my gadgets and whatsits. But I feel like that is cheating because it alters the world in which I would be forced to live. is my revised list (uncheatery):
1. Flashlight
2. Batteries
3. Ibuprofen
4. Water filter cup
5. Sunblock SPF 100
6. Solar powered charger
7. Polaroid camera with extra film (I could make a fortune selling pictures)
8. Portable fan
9. IPad
10. Toiletry Bag (okay, this is kind of cheating. My toiletry bag has toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, q-tips, travel size shampoo and conditioner, mouthwash, soap, brush, bobby pins, hair ties, chapstick, and lotion.)

I understand that I wouldn't be able to connect to the internet with my ipad, but the things I have on there already are worth it. I have pictures of my family on my ipad as well as music, games, and other apps, as well as my kindle books. I am not sure how I would ever live without Air conditioning, but maybe the fan would help a bit with that. I am terrified of the dark, so the flashlight is nice when candle light needs to be spared. Sunblock, because I am fair skinned. Ibuprofen because I am a pain wimp. Batteries for the flashlight, of course.

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