Friday, November 7, 2014

Favorite things 2014

Favorite things 2014

Since I can't seem to "find" the time to blog about important life moments, I am going to take this time to tell the world (or a few family members who pity read this) about my favorite things. Ahem...
  1. Neutrogena light sesame body lotion- I love this stuff. It smells light and feels divine. I think the scent brings back some sort of lost scent-memory from my childhood but I can't place it. I smell good without smelling like a musky perfume. Or a perfumey musk.
  2. Smith's Rosebud Salve- My mom got me addicted to this stuff. I love the natural smell of roses and this stuff smells amazing and is very useful for any chapped part of your body. Lips, noses, cheeks, elbows, dry cuticles, squeaky door hinges...It's so versatile. 
  3. Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson- An amazing trilogy. I love the newness of the magic used in these books. It's unlike anything I've ever read. The main character is a female which is pretty rare in fantasy books. Or at least the ones I've read. It's written by an LDS BYU professor so there's no vulgarity to it. 
  4. Traver's Rose Petal Witch Hazel toner- I have been blessed with remarkably tame skin. Besides my freckles, I rarely get blemishes or zits and haven't ever had to suffer through acne. I say this as more of a disclaimer- I use this stuff everyday, twice a day and love it. I don't have any other skin cleaning regime except makeup remover, but even that is just on my eyes usually. I feel like my skin is refreshed, and tighter. Plus, it smells like roses and you know how I feel about roses.
  5. Covet- I have tried, and failed, to get all my Facebook friends to play this game. It's an app, and not a Facebook game if that makes anyone feel better. You basically try and level up your closet. You have a model that you buy clothes for, dress her up according to the events that are presented, and then people from around the world vote on your outfit. You get prizes (in-game), as well as cash when you enter events. The more clothes you buy (which are actual designs from famous designers that you can actually buy IRL)the more you "level up" with new hair and make up styles. There's more to it than this, obviously, but it's super fun and you should play it. If we are Facebook friends we can borrow stuff from each other's virtual closets. :)
  6. PiYo- These Beachbody pilates/yoga workout dvd's are so fun. I actually enjoy working out...,ore than I normally do. Which is to say, I hate working out, but these DVD's make it bearable when I can't go for a run outside. And when I say run, I mean walk down to the neighbor's house and back. Or check the mail. I am working on working out though, and these DVD's help. 
So there you have it: six of my favorite things that I discovered this past year. Two runner ups: the Check app- all your financial information in one spot so you can see where your money is going, how much you have in the bank, the amount of total debt you have, bill due dates, etc. It's amazing and I love it. The other runner up- Loot crate. A monthly box of geekiness delivered to your door. Toys, collectibles, t-shirts, pins, stickers, posters, comic books, regular books, it's all awesomeness. Check it out here:

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