Saturday, November 8, 2014

November Goals

November Goals

So I was perusing some blogs, which I haven't been able to do in a loooong time, and I came across a particular favorite. She has a few kids and always looks amazing and has time to exercise. Well anyway, she had a post about her November goals. I read the list, which was pretty long, and laughed out loud at a few. She has a child younger than my toddler, as well as a couple older ones, and her list included reading 3 books. In a month! I laughed. I have been reading the same book for about two months now. I used to read a book a week. Not anymore. To be fair, maybe her reading list includes Little Critter's First Day of School, or Shakespeare's Sonnets. I don't know. She didn't specify. For all I know, she could be charging into Russian lit. 
Her list did inspire me to make my own goals for November. I am a big fan of making goals and making lists, so I did both and now I'm happy. Folks, I don't have lofty goals. I have barely living goals here. Because honestly, who has time to live these days when you got crazy, energetic, warm, snuggly, smells-like-fresh-baked-cookies and sometimes dirt, kids? I don't. I try to take time at the end of the day to unwind, but that usually includes plastering myself to the couch and watching Gilmore Girls. My books gather dust. So sad. But also not. This time shall pass, or so I hear. And when it does, I will commence with the living part. For now, I present to you, my sad little list.

-Complete a sketch. The key word here is "sketch" and not "drawing". I am lightyears away from completing a work of art. But a sketch I can handle. I hope. I can even work on this while watching Netflix. Double bonus.
-Finish a book. This is probably my most lofty goal. I am about a 1/4 of the way through right now. We'll see.
-Attend all of my church meetings. I have been in the ward for about 3 years and no one knows who I am still. I had a rough pregnancy and couldn't sit through anything more than Sacrament meeting, and then they switched to early church and I needed more sleep. Then the baby came and it was good bye to church for awhile. And now here we are and Caius won't sit still ever and church is right in the middle of nap and lunch and I haven't slept in over a year. Plus, my church clothes are super cute but not practical for squatting to pick up a stray kid. So I am always tugging and pulling at them and it's just awkward for everyone. But enough excuses. I am going. I am going to put my 16 month old in the nursery whether they like it or not and I will be edified!!!
-Don't eat candy. This one sucks because I like candy. My actual goal should be to not buy the darned stuff in the first place, but for some reason I always have some around. In order to combat the inevitable holiday weight gain, I choose to forego the sub par enjoyment I get from eating a piece of candy. I'll eat pie instead.  

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